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Bluehost vs. Hostinger

Full Page Load Speed

How important is average page load speed? Very. It partially determines your ranking on Google searches, and that, to a large extent, determines your number of visitors. So when choosing between Bluehost and Hostinger, average load speed is one factor that you must carefully consider.

Bluehost Full Page Load Speed

As we expected, Bluehost has great average full page load speed. During our test, our web pages hosted with them had an average full page load speed of about 1.1 seconds. While it’s not the fastest we’ve seen, it’s definitely up there with some of the fastest web hosts.

Hostinger Full Page Load Speed

Heroku proved to be much slower. We recorded an average page load speed of 2.2 seconds on our website hosted with Hostinger. This is was about a second slower than our website with Bluehost. While it isn’t the slowest we’ve seen, it certainly sounds a note of caution if you plan on hosting your website with Heroku.

Bluehost vs. Hostinger; Pricing Comparison And Value Analysis

One of the biggest decisions to make when setting up a new website is what hosting plan to buy. While it can be confusing to know which plan offers the greatest value, you should also know that it’s an easy decision to make if you’re clear on a few basic things.

The first thing you should be clear on is what you want. How many visitors will you be expecting on a monthly basis? How many sites do you want to host? How much memory will you need?

The next thing to be clear is what’s on offer. How many sites can you get with a plan? Is storage unlimited? What of bandwidth?

The last thing, and perhaps the most important thing you should know, is how much you can afford. How much will you be able to realistically pay for these services?

Except you plan on hosting site that gets millions of visitors per month, you’ll most likely be interested in purchasing a shared hosting plan. That’s why our price comparison is going to be based on the shared hosting plans of both hosts.

Entry Tier Plan; Basic Plan vs. Single Plan

The Basic plan of Bluehost comes with 1 website, 50 GB of storage space, unmetered bandwidth, a free SSL certificate, 1 included domain, 5 parked domains and 25 subdomains. The plan costs $2.95 per month.

The Single plan of Hostinger, on the other hand, costs a meagre $0.99 dollars for an initial three-year term and renews at $9.99 per month. The plan comes with 1 website, one email, 10GB of storage, 100GB of bandwidth, and weekly backups. It’s important for you to note that unlike Bluehost, Hostinger doesn’t offer a free domain on the entry-level plan. That means you’ll have to buy a domain yourself.

While the Single plan of Hostinger is rather cheap, it still has some shortcomings. For one, 10GB of storage may not be enough for a medium-sized site, and you would have to pay at least $14 extra for a domain. When all these are put into account, the Basic plan comes out as the obvious more cost-effective choice. The only way that the Single plan may be a better plan is if you plan on migrating a site over from another web host. Asides that, the Basic plan offers more value for less hands down.

Medium Tier Plan; Plus Plans vs. Premium Plan

For medium-tier clients, Bluehost offers two very similar but yet markedly different plans. They are the Plus plan and Choice Plus plans.

The Plus plan comes with unlimited websites, unlimited storage, unmetered bandwidth, a free SSL certificate, standard performance, unlimited domains, unlimited parked domains, unlimited subdomains, Spam Experts and 1 Office 365 Mailbox— free for thirty days. The plan costs $5.45 per month for an initial three-year plan and renews at $10.99

The Choice Plus plan has all the features of the Plus plan, however, there are a few differences. First, the Choice Plus plan comes with Site Backup with Codeguard Basic, and secondly, the plan renews at $14.99 instead of $10.99

The Premium plan of Hostinger comes with unlimited websites, 20GB of space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, a hundred subdomains and a hundred parked domains. The plan costs $2.89 per month.  You should also know that this plan doesn’t come with a free SSL certificate but it comes with free domain registration. These are two features that all Bluehost plans come with.

While the Premium plan of Hostinger is definitely cheaper than the Choice plus plan of Bluehost, it falls short in an area of great importance. With a storage space of 20GB, there’s only so much anyone can do, really. Even the Basic plan of Bluehost that is in the same ballparks in terms of price comes with more than 20GB of space. The Plus plans definitely take this one.

Top Tier Plans; Pro Plan vs. Business Plan

Let’s hope Hostinger means business here, eh?

The Pro plan of Bluehost comes with unlimited websites, unlimited storage, Domain Privacy + Protection, Codeguard Basic for site backup, a dedicated IP, unlimited domains, Spam Expert, free SSL certificate, unmetered bandwidth and 1 Office 365 Mailbox free for thirty days. The plan costs $13.95 per month.

The Business plan of Hostinger comes with unlimited websites, 30GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, free SSL certificate, unlimited email accounts, 100 subdomains and parked domains,  daily and weekly backups, and free domain registration. The plan costs $3.99 per month.

The Business plan for Hostinger is quite cheap. That’s about the only positive that can be drawn from it. Even though the Pro plan is more expensive, it makes up for it by packing a lot of security features and providing almost unlimited specifications. Clearly, the Bluehost Pro plan is the better plan.

The Right Host For You

If you’re low on cash and would like a cheap plan with unlimited websites, then go for Hostinger.  However, if you’d like a bit more features and more space to fully develop your sites, then Bluehost is the choice for you.

However, it’s not enough to only consider pricing when choosing web hosts. It’s important to consider other factors like speed as well. Bluehost is definitely faster than Hostinger, and as we’ve seen, Bluehost has a better plan structure. While it may be an easier choice to penny pinch, slow page load speed will eventually reflect in your views/sales and ultimately in your earnings. The more sensible choice, of course, would be to go for the host that offers the best of both worlds, and that host is Bluehost.


If you’re running low on money and would like the cheapest web host you can find, Hostinger may just be the perfect web host for you. While they may not have excellent speed like Bluehost, they make up for it by having really cheap plans. To get the most expensive Hostinger plan, you do not need to pay anymore than $4 per month. Compare that to Bluehost’s most expensive shared hosting price of $13, and you get a feel of what Hostinger offers.

Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks. For one, none of Hostingers shared hosting plans offer unlimited storage— which is something that Bluehost mid-level plans offer right out the gate. In addition, only the top tier plans of Hostinger come with free SSL certificates and free domains.

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